12 Month Program

22 x 1hr sessions divided into 4 terms over a 12 month period.

The 12 month program is for those that present with past trauma that is unhealed so we need to go backwards before going forwards, those who really want to take their time and deepen their experience, or those who are enjoying the 12 Week Program and want to do more so transfer into the 12 Month Program.

Over the 12 months, clients are assisted to deconstruct all the old, out of date and toxic beliefs, reconstruct new, updated and healthy ones and then reinforce it all to create a permanent shift.

Not for the light hearted as it can be very challenging, but the return on investment is immeasurable. 

Available by Skype or in person.

What’s your next step?

If you have any questions or queries please feel free to get in touch via the button below or call 0448 339 662.